Being [back to writing] on a daily basis, the first failure milestone was achieved yesterday. I forgot to write. I completely have forgotten it. Until today 11pm. Why?!
What has worked for me in the last 12 days was that I have a fixed time of the day to write. ~11pm is my writing before going to bed time. It’s a good time, because there is usually now work left to do. I am almost always at home around that time. It’s my reading and writing time in general. I also do my reflection of the day during that time. So, I can integrate writing easily into that routine.
But yesterday it didn’t work out as expected. Technically I was still writing a text. It was in a different context and not relevant for the blog. But since I was writing somethign, my brain accepted that the element of routine is successfully completed for the day. It didn’t alert itself that the writing I did was for another purpose and I still had to finish the daily post as well.
It is fine though. Like with everything else, there is always a possibility of missing the routine for certain amount of times. One day of not writing is not the disastrous problem. I added another article today on top of this one to cover the missing piece of yesterday. It should not be happening a lot though and the missing days should be covered asap.